Tariffs and air navigation services in Lusaka airport

AIRPORTS: Livingstone, Lusaka International, Ndola and Mfuwe


Basis:Maximum permissible take-off weight in C. of A.

Aircraft weight (tons) International flights (US$) Domestic flights (US$)
(6AM-6PM LT)
(6PM-12AM LT)
(6AM-6PM LT)
(6PM-12AM LT)
8 32 40 26 32
9 36 45 29 36
10 40 50 32 40
11 44 55 35 44
12 48 60 38 48
13 52 65 42 52
14 56 70 45 56
15 60 75 48 60
16 64 80 51 64
17 68 85 54 68
18 72 90 58 72
19 75 95 60 75
20 80 100 64 80
21 84 105 67 84
22 88 110 70 88
23 92 115 74 92
24 96 120 77 96
25 100 125 80 100
26 105 131 84 105
27 110 138 88 110
28 115 144 92 115
29 120 150 96 120
30 125 156 100 125
31 130 163 104 130
32 135 169 108 135
33 140 175 112 140
34 145 181 116 145
35 150 188 120 150
Over 35 and up to 45 155 to 200 194 to 250 124 to 160 155 to 200
Over 45 and up to 55 205 to 250 256 to 313 164 to 200 205 to 250
Over 55 and up to 65 255 to 300 319 to 375 204 to 240 256 to 300
Over 65 and up to 75 305 to 350 381 to 438 244 to 280 305 to 350
Over 75 and up to 100 355 to 495 444 to 619 284 to 396 355 to 495
Over 100 and up to 125 500 to 620 625 to 775 400 to 496 500 to 620
Over 125 and up to 150 625 to 745 781 to 931 500 to 596 625 to 745
Over 150 and up to 175 750 to 907 938 to 1 134 600 to 726 750 to 907
Over 175 and up to 200 912 to 1 075 1 140 to 1 344 730 to 860 912 to 1 075
Over 200 and up to 225 1 080 to 1 216 1 350 to 1 520 864 to 973 1 080 to 1 216
Over 225 and up to 250 1 221 to 1 342 1 526 to 1 678 977 to 1 074 1 221 to 1 342
Over 250 and up to 275 1 348 to 1 492 1 685 to 1 865 1 078 to 1 194 1 348 to 1 492
Over 275 and up to 300 1 498 to 1 642 1 873 to 2 053 1 198 to 1 314 1 498 to 1 642
Over 300 and up to 350 1 648 to 1 968 2 060 to 2 460 1 318 to 1 574 1 648 to 1 968
Over 350 and up to 400 1 975 to 2 303 2 469 to 2 879 1 580 to 1 842 1 975 to 2 303


Aircraft weight (tons) International flights (USD) Domestic flights
8 to 35 10 8
Over 35 and up to 49 15 12
Over 49 and up to 79 20 16
Over 79 and up to 99 25 16
Over 99 and up to 149 30 24
Over 149 and up to 199 35 28
Over 199 and up to 249 40 32
Over 249 and up to 299 45 36
Over 299 and up to 349 50 40
Over 349 and up to 399 55 44
400 and over 60 48


Payable by the passenger.

Per embarking passenger 2 years of age and above:


Payable by the operator: USD 0.01 per kg


VSAT Network flat rate Charge for South African Development Community (SADC) is levied when flights cross international FIR boundaries or international border of States where air traffic control centres are equipped with a SADC VSAT satellite communications system.

Flat rate of USD 9 per FIR crossing.


Basis:Maximum take-off weight in the C. of A. flight operations manual, operations manual or any other official document and distance flown in km in the Zambian Flight Information Region (FIR).

A)Approach Control Charge:

- International flights:

CHARGE = (DISTANCE/100) x( √(w/50)) x USD12

Where: w = weight of the aircraft in tonnes

Note: 37 km deduction from total distance flown in FIR Zambia will be applied for each international flight landing at an aerodrome while full distance shall be applicable for departing flights.

- Domestic flights: 15% of the international landing charges.

B)En-Route Air Navigation Services Overflights:

CHARGE = (DISTANCE/100) x( √(w/50)) x USD12

Where: w = weight of the aircraft in tonnes

Distance factor: calculated on basis of total distance (great circle distance in km) between:

Temperature: 20°C
Light rain shower
Humidity: 93%
Wind: N at 5km/h
Detail & forecast
Fri 17th January

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